The Japanese Take Halloween To A New Level By Celebrating It With “Everyday Situation” Costumes (46 Pics)

While every year, it’s becoming harder and harder to come up with a standout Halloween costume (I mean, Heidi Klum just dressed as a giant worm!), some people take a more down-to-earth approach.

In fact, there’s a whole trend known as “Mundane Halloween” where people dress up as super ordinary things and embody very day-to-day situations. The tradition was started in 2014 by a group at Daily Portal Z who “kind of wanted to participate in the festivities of Halloween, but were too embarrassed to go all out in witch or zombie costumes,” and became particularly popular in Japan.

The idea is simple – instead of putting up a flashy and flamboyant costume that may earn everyone’s hearts but make you feel awkward and out of place, you don’t need anything special, really. The more mundane your look is, the better it is!

So scroll down for this year’s best Mundane Halloween costumes, and be sure to check out the best ones from previous years here, here and here.

#1 Person Who Tried To Cut Their Own Bangs, Failed, And Now Claims It's The Latest Fashion

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#2 A Scene Between Women In Korean Drama

Image credits: so_me_official

#3 A Person Who Sits On The Floor After Having His Chair Stolen By His Cat

Image credits: mitoconcon

#4 A Person Who Was Planning To Buy Only Bread On The Way Home From Work

Image credits: so_me_official

#5 Shop Attendant Trying Really Hard To Look Away As You Enter Your Pin Number

Image credits: sakurajimanini

#6 Person Who Accidentally Shook Their Carbonated Beverage Before Opening It

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#7 A Person Who Go Out At The Same Time As Their Neighbors And Plan The Timing To Go Out

Image credits: mochi0219

#8 Twitter Engineer Just Fired By Elon Musk

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#9 Person Whose Face Is Blurred Out On Google Street View

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#10 Two People Who Wore The Exact Same Outfit And Now Its Super Awkward

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#11 A Person Whose Bicycle Was Stolen

Image credits: kaeshitechari55

#12 People Who Go Back To Pick Up Their Smartphones After Putting On Their Shoes

Image credits: 4w7QQDfnzzxtw6

#13 Woman With A Filter That Looks Like Scales

Image credits: a_m_a_m_n_y____

#14 Person In Line At A Convenience Store

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#15 TV Newscaster Reporting On A Typhoon

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#16 That Mildly Annoying Person Wearing A Huge Backpack And Playing A Smartphone Game On A Jam-Packed Train

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#17 Foreign Tourist Who Can't Find Any Public Garbage Cans In Japan

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#18 Soy Sauce

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#19 A Person Playing VR Pool And Soon Will Destroysthe Controller

Image credits: yuemq

#20 Facial Landmark Detection

Image credits: LegoCosplay

#21 People Who Use Scissors Because They Can't Cut It By Hand Even Though It Says 'Magic Cut'

Image credits: oguracolo

#22 People Who Hand Their Business Cards Over From From A Lower Position

Image credits: so_me_official

#23 I Dropped My Smartphone

Image credits: suiru_k

#24 Person Who Wants To Use Up Every Bit Of Toothpaste In The Tube

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#25 The Person Who Appears In The Bank Transfer Fraud Poster

Image credits: HzEi8hmami

#26 Program Staff Who Bring Food For Morning Variety Shows

Image credits: dailyportalz

#27 Person Laid Off From Their Job In The Opening Scene Of A Film

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#28 Random Character Who Appears In The Early Stages Of The TV Series In Order To Show That If You Get Bitten, You Become A Zombie

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#29 Next In Line To Offer Incense At The Funeral But Unsure Of The Custom So Trying To Peek At The Person In Front

Image credits: nishida_gosougi

#30 Probably Someone Watching Pixiv On The Train

Image credits: 10_moteamasu

#31 People Who Are Interested In The Events Held On The First Floor Of The Shopping Mall

Image credits: KAGICGO

#32 Dad On His Day Off From Work

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#33 Branch Manager Who Decided To Help Out At The Cash Register

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#34 A Person Who Sells Water In Aeon

Image credits: HzEi8hmami

#35 The Only Person At The Event Whose Name-Tag String Is Super Long For Some Reason

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#36 List Of Family Members In A Beginner English Language Textbook

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#37 Cooking Practice After Making An Apron In Home Economics

Image credits: OpheliaKlain2

#38 An Ear Of Corn

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#39 People Brushing Their Teeth In The Company Women's Restroom On Their Lunch Break

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#40 D-List Celebrity Acting As Store Manager For A Special One-Day Promotion

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#41 A Mom Who Forgot Her Sub Bag At The Entrance Ceremony

Image credits: so_me_official

#42 The Champion Of Some Sport Or Another

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#43 Person Whose Skeleton Is Being Estimated By Machine Learning

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#44 The Person Who Bothers You At The Museum

Image credits: chikuwa_mameman

#45 Person Who Got Confused About How To Combine Different Sauces When Eating Gyōza, And Now No Longer Even Cares

Image credits: Nick Kapur

#46 People With Mosquitoes Somewhere In The Room

Image credits: honageeeee

Instead of putting up a flashy and flamboyant costume that may earn everyone’s hearts but make you feel awkward and out of place, you don’t need anything special, really. The more mundane your look is, the better it is!

The post The Japanese Take Halloween To A New Level By Celebrating It With “Everyday Situation” Costumes (46 Pics) first appeared on Bored Panda.



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