13 Times Neil Patrick Harris Cosplayed With His Family And Absolutely Won Halloween

NPH and his family won Halloween. Again! Beloved American actor Neil Patrick Harris, together with his husband David Burtka, and their two children, 12-year-old twins Gideon and Harper, revealed their Halloween costumes for 2022. And the reaction has been amazing.

The post instantly went viral on Instagram, alongside Burtka’s epic behind-the-scenes pics. We loved the costume idea so much, we couldn’t wait to share them with all of you, Pandas! The family dressed up as well-known fast food icons. NPH became Ronald McDonald. Burtka embodied a sleepy rendition of the bearded and regal Burger King. Meanwhile, Gideon dressed up as Colonel Sanders and Harper became Wendy.

Scroll down to see how the family’s costumes progressed over the years to the epic result this Halloween. They keep raising the bar!

When you’re done, check out Bored Panda’s coverage of the Burtka-Harris family’s Halloween reveals over the years here: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017.

Neil Patrick Harris, his husband David Burtka, and their twins Gideon and Harper have been making the internet smile with their Halloween costumes every year

Image credits: nph

Here’s what their costumes looked like over the years. It’s an awesome trip down memory lane!

Peter Pan in 2011

Image credits: nph

The Wizard Of Oz in 2012

Image credits: nph

Alice In Wonderland in 2013

Image credits: nph

Frankenstein’s Monster, Wolfman, The Bride of Frankenstein, and Dracula in 2013

Image credits: nph

Halloween From Gotham City in 2014

Image credits: nph

The family dressed up as characters from Star Wars in 2015

Image credits: nph

Image credits: nph

Charlie Chaplin, Groucho Marx, Marilyn Monroe, and James Dean in 2016

Image credits: nph

Harris Halloween Carnival of Curiosities in 2017

Image credits: nph

Image credits: nph

Hitchhiking Ghosts in 2018

Image credits: nph

NPH and his loved ones invited us to visit the Burtka-Harris Boo-seum’ in 2019

Image credits: nph

In 2020, the gang paid homage to the 1971 American musical movie Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Image credits: nph

And in 2021, the family embodied classic horror movie characters, putting them in one creepy composition

Image credits: nph

At the time of writing, NPH’s post on Instagram had nearly 597k likes. Meanwhile, Burtka’s behind-the-scenes pics got nearly 60.5k likes. But the true achievement isn’t in all of the (notably, impressive) likes and views and engagement. It’s the smiles the photos brought to people’s faces.

Social media users from around the world absolutely loved the theme, as well as how the family posed on the brown leather sofa. NPH perfectly embodies how many of us feel when we’ve eaten just waaaaay too much fast food. And Burtka is literally us after any larger meal.

NPH tagged his post with “Happy Halloween from the BOOrtka-Harris Family” and we’re giving a virtual thumbs up for bringing back the pun that we all know and love. Meanwhile, Burtka wrote, “Trick or Meat!! Here is our family Halloween photo, year 11! I hope ‘da da dat da daaaaa your lovin’ it.’

What did you think of this year’s costume, dear Pandas? Which family costume idea did you think was the best over the years? What do you think NPH and Burtka might come up with in 2023? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Here’s the grand reveal for Halloween 2022. The family all dressed up as fast-food mascots

Image credits: nph

Here are some awesome behind-the-scenes pics that are brimming with family fun

Image credits: dbelicious

Image credits: dbelicious

Image credits: dbelicious

Image credits: dbelicious

Image credits: dbelicious

Image credits: dbelicious

Image credits: dbelicious

Image credits: dbelicious

A couple of Halloweens ago, Bored Panda spoke about wholesome family traditions with Lenore Skenazy, the preside of childhood independence-promoting nonprofit Let Grow and the founder of the Free-Range Kids movement. She told us that dressing up for Halloween can be a “great tradition,” whether the entire family does it together or just the kids.

“After a couple of times, it becomes a ‘thing’—like leaving stuffed grape leaves for Santa instead of cookies: something that is the way your particular (even peculiar) family celebrates. Kids will remember this pretty much forever, and may even pass it along to the next generation,” she shared.

According to Lenore, the family can pick something that they all love and build their Halloween costumes around the theme. It can be pretty much anything, whether it’s a movie, beloved pet, or memorable vacation. However, as time goes by and your kids grow into teenagers, it can be more difficult to maintain these wholesome family traditions.

“You’re connecting to that beloved time, place, or thing, but you’re also connecting to your family because you’re all in it together. Kids will love this… until at some point they don’t. (Not a lot of tweens want to dress up as fish, even though you all loved your lake vacation in 2012.) Doesn’t matter. Take pictures now and in the future, they’ll look back at and cringe, perhaps, but also maybe cry. As Carly Simon sang, ‘These are the good old days.’ Relish them.”

The post 13 Times Neil Patrick Harris Cosplayed With His Family And Absolutely Won Halloween first appeared on Bored Panda.

NPH and his family won Halloween this year. Again!

The post 13 Times Neil Patrick Harris Cosplayed With His Family And Absolutely Won Halloween first appeared on Bored Panda.



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